Friday, October 20, 2006

Me - neurotic?

Waiting to board my plane...

Conversation between Z and me.
Moi: They better not lose my bag. It has my belt in there. (very sweet find from my favorite designer that I scored on sale!) If they lose my bag, someone's going to get stabbed.
Z: That's probably not the wisest thing to say in an airport before you board a plane.
Moi: You have a point.

1 cup of tea and several pages into my Murakami tome (that I'm laboriously trying to finish) later...

Moi: I just dropped my scarf on the bathroom floor.
Z: It's ok, you can wash it.
Moi: It's dry clean only.
Z: So do that.
Moi: But do you really think dry cleaning disinfects it? The thought of putting it up to my face is just too much. All those germs, blechgklshh would probably make my whole face break out. I should probably burn the darned thing and be done with it.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Dear Diary:

It's almost time for me to go back to NY, and there's definetely no question that I'm thrilled to see my other half and all the lovely people who I can call my 2nd family. I'm absolutely stoked about that. I'm just preparing myself for the transition all over again and experiencing some withdrawal symptoms I suppose.

I am bound to travel coast to coast for a while. If only I could have the ease of transportation like Mary K and Ashely , that would be sweet! Not to mention their stellar pad in the city, but I digress.

Conversation with my mum last night. (atypical)
"Are you going to bring all your clothes back there now?"
"No, I don't need my summer stuff."
"You'll need it for the summer, though."
"I'll be back before then."
"I thought you love it so much over there, you don't need to come back. "
"Mah-meee, even if you don't want me back , too bad, you're stuck with me! I'll be back all the time!"

I think she's trying to use reverse psychology on me and I don't want to admit it's slightly working.

Yours truly